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  • Meka King


The Book Of Nehemiah

Lesson Plan Training for Service, Church Leaders

Prepared by Prophetess Meka


Today will just be an introduction on the Book in which we will be studying. Please Read Nehemiah chapter one. We see a problem, a condition, and a prayer.

Key Verses

  1. Background scriptures Verses 1-3

  2. The Condition and Problem Verses 3-4

  3. The Prayer of Nehemiah Verses 5-10

Digging Deeper Verse 3

  1. The remnant that are left in captivity

  2. Great affliction and reproach

  3. Broken down walls and gates burned with fire

Make it personal

  1. Here we find Nehemiah getting news of his hometown and devastated because it is left in ruins and be people are suffering, so He begins to fast and pray and cry before the Lord. What we are doing is much like Nehemiah, the people are afflicted christians are hurting, and the enemy is attacking the body of Christ. We must see the condition of the people in order to answer the call of God, we must see our condition. God has used great men and women of God throughout the Bible and they all had some very serious conditions, yet God used them. We must take a look at ourselves, and be willing to cry out to God for ourselves, lay every burden at his feet and move forward as we help others. Never forget where you come from, never forget the mission that has been laid in front of us and always remember He has enable us through his grace to answer the condition of those souls he has assigned to our lives.

  2. Prayer is key, Fasting is key, to answer any problem we must look to him. Our focus must be on him, and our flesh must be crucified, in order to be risen with him. As we study and train, we must be the first partakers of the word, the word we preach must hit us first, change happens in us first and then to the people. We must alway keep in mind, who God has made us..We are Kings in his Kingdom. We gain territory by winning the hearts and minds of people to Jesus. Yes we preach salvation, but we must live the Kingdom!


This was just an introduction to our study, please take time to write down in questions, any insights or revelations that we can use to edify each other.

Next Training will go deeper into Chapter 1 and 2

I just wanted to get your mind thinking, and your spirit attentive. I look forward to going deeper in the word with you….God Bless!

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