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  • Meka King

Peace Like a River.

Jeremiah 17:8 "They are like trees planted along a river bank with roots that reach deep into the water. Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by the months of drought. Their leaves stay green and they never stop bearing fruit".

As we take a closer look at this verse, we see that the trees are planted along the river. In symbolism we can represent the tree that is planted. We are planted in the word of the Lord, we are rooted in the rock, Jesus. Which is a firm foundation, in him we are able to withstand all that the enemy would try to throw at us. We are not only rooted and grounded in Jesus, but we find nourishment by the river bank or by the Holy Spirit who is our Teacher, our Comforter, and our Guide.

We do not have to be concerned or bothered when the enemy turns up the heat. Because we are filled with with Holy Spirit, and Jesus reigns in our hearts. When life becames tough, when hardship and suffering come, we know that we are not alone. For the Lord will never leave us or forsake us. Even when things become dry, and the world may face famine and drought. When the economy is dried up, and we are in a recession. We are not in dispair because we are governed by the Kingdom of God. We can trust and depend in Jesus. The word of God says, He gives us power to get wealth. The wealth of wicked is laid up for the righteous. As we stand firm in the word of God and as we are filled with His Spirit, we are constantly growing and producing the friuts of the spirit. We our productive as we walk in the spirit, and trust in the Lord!

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