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  • Meka King

Overcome the Fire.

Daniel 3:25 "He said, Look I see four men walking around in the fire..."

I am coming to you today, saying that we serve a mighty God. Here we see in the scripture were the three hebrew boys are in the firey furnance, not just them but there is a forth man! Not just any forth man, that man is Jesus and they are walking in the fire! Do you see the power in that? We know that fire is all consuming. We know that fire takes over. We know that fire overwhelms and destroys. The God that we serve, has ALL POWER. Jesus is more than enough. We have God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit is more than enough.

In our life we face hardships, challenges, and struggles. When these things come upon us it can feel as if, we are under great heat. It can feel as if we are consumed by a fire. But the God that we serve, is bigger than any fire. He is bigger than anything that you may be facing. He is able to bring life and bring it more abundantly. He can set things in order that seem out of order. We do not have to bow down to our circumstances or situations, there is greater!

1 John 4:4 "You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because he who is in you is greater then he who is in the world".

As the children of the Most High God, we can overcome anything that we may face because God is with us. The God we serve is mighty and there is none like him. No one can compare, christianity is not a religion it is a lifestyle, it is a faith, a hope, and the only truth. Do not limit the God we serve, to just a problem solver someone you go to when your in trouble. He is so much more than that, but the only way to truly experience Him is through Jesus. As we accept His son we are reconciled back to God. Where we were once cut off, Jesus is the bridge to the Father. You do not have to be ruled by your emotions, your job, lack, issues, sex, relationship. But you can be free the fire of life does not have to over take you. Drugs will not do it; getting drunk will not do it; having sex will not do it; chasing after money will not do it; true freedom is only found in Jesus!

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