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  • Meka KIng

My Best Friend!

Proverbs 18:19 states, "a brother offended is hard to win back, it's like a strong city fortified with bards" (paraphrased). Growing up, my friends were everything. I was very shy and I used writing to communicate. I had a diary most of my preteen life. As I came out of that shyness I wrote less. Until finally one day, I just stopped writing.

But my friends were my world, I was always comfortable with them. In my teenage years friends came and went. It wasn't until I became an adult that I truly valued friendship.

The word of God says, "Jesus is a friend that sticks closer then a brother" (Proverbs 18:24).

As a teen I was so confused about who I was, and why my life turned out the way it did. I was mad, and bitter, and I had a very nasty attitude. I took out my frustrations on everyone else. But it wasn't until I'd been hurt by friends that I truly realized the person that was always there for me. Even when I was not there for myself or when others left me, or when I thought my family did not understand me. Jesus was always there, as I became an adult there were some things I needed to face. Not with others, but with myself, and my relationship with Jesus. You know what, I really fell short of His Glory. However it was when I took an inventory, of my mistakes, failures, bad judgements that I truly realized how much Jesus cared and loved me.

When I didn't love myself, When I didn't show Him love. Jesus loved me unconditionally. Meaning that His love is not based on what we do for him, His love is endless without cause and in spite of our faults. God is amazing, and the greatest love story ever told can be found in the bible start to finish. The greatest friend you could ever have, is Master Jesus. Won't you get to know Him?

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