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  • Meka King

Teaching Relationship Three

Opening Prayer: Lord we worship you in spirit and in truth, and we thank you for ministering to our heart and soul be with us now. As we continue to worship and learn of you help us, teach us, guide us, and have your way in our lives. In Jesus mighty name we pray, Amen!

Scripture Text: Ruth 2:10-11 “Then she fell on her face, and bowed herself to the ground, and said unto him, Why have I found grace in thine eyes, that thou shouldest take knowledge of me, seeing that I am a stranger? And Boaz answered and said unto her, and said unto her, it hath fully been shewed me, all that thou hast done unto thy mother in law since the death of thine husband; and how thou hast left thy father and thy mother, and the land of thy nativity, and art come unto a people which thou knewest not therefore”.

Prayer is powerful, but so is worship. Worship gets us into the presence of the Lord. Ruth was humbled, to see that she had been shown such favor. Do you remember when you first got saved, when you realized all that Jesus did for you on the cross? The love is overwhelming and it humbles you to know such love and kindness exists when we can see so much darkness. Worship is adoration, and it ushers in the presence of the Lord. The more you worship the more you are overtaken by the Lord, until he fills the room and even fills you from the inside out.

In a relationship between a husband and wife, sex, making love is the highest form of intimacy. However, Worship is a high form of intimacy with God. It's not a reaction to what he has done like praise. But it is more personal, it is a reaction to who he is and the very character of God. We have been saved by grace. And Ruth found grace in the eyes of Boaz. The marriage relationship mirrors the relationship of that of Christ and the Church, it is suppose to be an example of that. Therefore marriage is not just for enjoyment or finding our soulmate made by God. It is for God’s purpose to Glorify his name and proclaim his love in the earth by how we love one another.

While we were yet strangers Christ died for us. Wow what an amazing love. Even before we were born or known or existed Jesus died for us. Boaz reply to Ruth was it has been showed to me all you have done...Do not get weary in well doing for what you have done in secret God will reward you openly. We do not know what God is doing behind the scenes or even who is watching us. Not watching us to condemn us but watching us because they see a difference in our lives. They want to know, What must I do to be saved? It is very possible we are the living word that they see, they may not have a bible or ever heard of Jesus but they see the light of God in us. What does your relationship with God say to others?

Closing Prayer: Lord Jesus let your light shine through us. Let our speech be seasoned with grace and salt in the name of Jesus. Let us be wise as a serpent gentle as a dove and bold as a lion. Let us see you with doves eyes and pursue in worship, in the spirit and in truth. We are at your feet, and all we want is to be closer to you and give you worship in Jesus name Amen.

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